Public Health Association of Zambia (PHAZ) Pays Courtesy Call on HEA

The Higher Education Authority (HEA) was paid a courtesy call by the Public Health Association of Zambia (PHAZ).

The purpose of the courtesy call included discussions on collaboration between HEA and PHAZ in the development process of learning programme core elements. The development of core elements is a major endeavour that the Authority conducts. Core elements are the mechanisms within a learning programme which that particular learning programme needs to have in order to ensure that the it meets minimum standards to lead to a qualification in that particular field.

Furthermore, the meeting discussed partnership in the training of public health students in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs).

PHAZ is a professional association for public health professionals in Zambia which is registered with the Health Professions Council of Zambia (HPCZ), as provided for by the HPCZ Act Chapter No. 24 of 2009.

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