HEA Welcomes the Newest Employee at the Authority, Ms. Memory Chomba

The Board, Management and Staff of the Higher Education Authority (HEA) welcomes Ms. Memory Chomba, Purchasing and Supplies Assistant, to the team of “Ensuring Quality in Higher Education.”

In line HEA’s policy of continuing to add to the development and nurturing of graduates from Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) through internships, Ms. Chomba joined HEA as a Purchasing and Supplies Assistant intern before being a temporal member of staff in the same position. Thereafter, she applied for the open position of Purchasing and Supplies Assistant after it was advertised by HEA and was the successful candidate. 

HEA wishes Ms. Chomba unparalleled success in her new role as the Authority is confident that her addition to the team will continue vitalising HEA in achieving the objectives outlined in the 2022 – 2026 Strategic Plan, thus, guaranteeing a raise in the quality of the higher education subsector.

Download the 2022 – 2026 Strategic Plan here: https://hea.org.zm/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/HEA-STRATEGIC-PLAN-2022-2026-Final.pdf. 

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