HEA Gazettes 53 Registered, Private HEIs for 2021

In accordance with the provision of the Higher Education Act No. 4 of 2013 Part IV, Section 15 (1) and Statutory Instrument No. 25 of 2016 Part II Section 5 (2), the Higher Education Authority (HEA) is mandated to provide for the registration and regulation of private Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and their campuses. Consequently, the Higher Education Act Part IV Section 15 (i), thus, outlines that a person cannot operate a private HEI unless the private HEI is registered under this Act.

Therefore, the following listed HEIs comprise the private HEIs that HEA has registered and gazetted in Lusaka for 2021 in the Gazette Notice No. 440 of 2021, dated Friday, 23rd April, 2021.

Thus, HEA has 53 private HEIs registered in Zambia, which collectively have 66 campuses. These include nine (9) HEIs with multiple campuses, namely, DMI-St. Eugene University, Cavendish University, Chreso University, City University of Science and Technology, Texila American University, and University of Lusaka with two (2) campuses each; Gideon Robert University and Rusangu University with three (3) campuses; and, Lusaka Apex Medical University has six (6) campuses.

HEA continues to warn the general public not to enrol at any private institution not registered neither should they enrol in any Learning Programme from both private and public HEIs that have not been accredited as their qualifications will not be recognised.

Further, HEA’s list of registered HEIs is a dynamic list and, as such, it should be cited with verification from HEA’s official website, www.hea.org.zm or emailing info@hea.org.zm, or calling +260 211 227 084 / +260 950 470 444.

Note: Delivery Mode is the method through which the Learning Programmes (LPs) are delivered. This is either Full Time (FT) or Open and Distance Learning (ODL) or both.

Download the Gazette here.