HEA Director-General’s End of 2023 Address

I would like to take a moment to reflect on all that we have achieved together as a higher education quality assurance institution. 2023 had presented us with numerous challenges, but also countless opportunities for growth, innovation, and continued excellence in our work.

First and foremost, I would like to express my deepest gratitude and appreciation to each member of the management team and staff for their unwavering dedication, leadership, and commitment to upholding the standards of quality education. I also need to recognise the Board of Directors of the Higher Education Authority (HEA). Their guidance and strategic decision-making have played a pivotal role in driving our institution forward, even in the face of adversity. I also seek the pleasure of acknowledging the steadfast support from the Ministry of Education. Suffice to salute Minister of Education Honourable Mr. Douglas Syakalima, MP., and his two hard working Permanent Secretaries, Ms. Noriana Muneku, Permanent Secretary – Administration, and Mr. Joel Kamoko, Permanent Secretary – Educational Services, for the unmatched leadership to the sector.

Throughout 2023, we made significant strides in our mission to ensure that Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) met the highest standards of quality and excellence.  Our rigorous evaluation processes, institutional audits, and proactive engagement with institutions have enabled us to identify areas for improvement and provide valuable support and guidance to our HEIs. President Hakainde Hichilema’s message to us to ensure that higher education is positioned to address the needs of our society has been our guide in our journey to transforming higher education. We have followed this up with the introduction of classifications and new quality assurance tools, updated partnerships with professional bodies, and the integration of technology in our processes, which have all contributed to a more robust and efficient quality assurance system.

Moreover, our efforts to foster collaboration and knowledge-sharing within the higher education community have borne fruit. Through institutional audits, accreditation of learning programmes, workshops, conferences, and networking events, we have facilitated meaningful exchanges of best practices, ideas, and innovative approaches to quality assurance. This has not only enriched the education landscape but has also strengthened our collective ability to address the evolving needs of students and society.

In addition, because of the appointment of the Board of HEA, this year has witnessed the successful implementation of various policy initiatives aimed at enhancing transparency, accountability, and the overall quality of higher education. The growth of HEA is on course with remarkable policy decisions that have changed the system of quality assurance and improved the corporate face of HEA to the world.

I am proud to say that our institution has continued to gain recognition both nationally and internationally for its expertise and dedication to quality assurance in higher education. The trust and credibility we have earned are a testament to the tireless efforts of every member of our management team, our Board of Directors and the Ministry of Education.

Looking ahead, I have no doubt that we will continue to adapt and innovate as we strive to meet the evolving challenges and expectations of the higher education landscape. Our commitment to ensuring quality education for all shall remain unwavering, as we work collaboratively with HEIs, professional bodies, policymakers, and all stakeholders to shape the future of higher education.

As we have welcomed the new year 2024, I would like to extend my sincerest gratitude to all of you for your unwavering support to the quality agenda. Together, we have accomplished remarkable achievements, and I have no doubt that we will continue to do so in the years to come. Wishing you all a prosperous new year.