Call for Papers for the 2020 State of Higher Education Report in Zambia

The Higher Education Authority (HEA) is calling for submissions of academic papers for its the 2020 State of Higher Education Report in Zambia by no later than 30th April, 2021.

The Authority is mandated by the Higher Education Act No. 4 of 2013 to publish, on an annual basis, the State of Higher Education Report. Thus, on the heels of the successful publication and launch of its inaugural report, The State Higher Education in Zambia 2019: 5 Decades of University Education, HEA is calling for submission of papers under the theme, “Teaching and Learning in the New Normal.”

2020 saw the world as we know it change due to the global pandemic of the Coronavirus SARS-CoV2 or COVID-19. This, therefore, brought significant challenges in the higher education sector of how how to continue teaching and learning whilst grappling with COVID-19 lockdowns and restrictions.

Thus, to address this challenge, most Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) turned to distance education and online learning as a means to achieving their education goals. For most HEIs, this signified an important shift in education, from campus based and face-to-face learning to electronic based teaching and learning.

Therefore, the theme, “Teaching and Learning in the New Normal”, of the 2020 State of Higher Education Report will seek to, amongst other reasons, learn from HEIs how the institutions deployed distance education and online learning. Further, the Report will seek to learn from the experiences of lectures, students and education administrators in the implementation of distance education and online learning.

Download the Call for Papers here

The deadline for the submission of papers is no later than 30th April, 2021.

For more information and to submit papers electronically, contact:

Mr. Denny Nsokolo

Senior Standards and Research Officer

(+260) 977 459 475

The State of Higher Education Report publishes information on the status of higher education in Zambia in order to stimulate debate on emerging issues in the sector. The report is published in form of an edited volume with an ISSN, with papers accepted for publication being published as chapters in the volume.

However, papers that will not be published in the Report may be considered for publication in a special publication on the same subject.

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