Call for Advertisements in HEA’s State of Higher Education in Zambia 2021 Report

The Higher Education Authority (HEA) publishes the State of Higher Education in Zambia on an annual basis in accordance with the provision of the Higher Education Act No. 4 of 2013, Part II Section 6 (2) (b) (ii). Therefore, the Authority is extending this invitation to your institution to advertise in the State of Higher Education in Zambia 2021 Report.

The State of Higher Education in Zambia is a report that responds to the need to provide annual reliable statistics and a platform for discussing emerging issues in higher education. It has a target audience of government institutions, Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), policy makers and implementers, NGOs, cooperating partners, private sector and the general public. Further, the estimated readership of the Report is approximately 160,000 people, including its digital audience.

The closing deadline for booking for advertising space is on Friday, 22nd July, 2022, by the close of business. Advertising space is limited and, as such, it will be allocated on a first-come-first-serve basis, provided all stipulated Terms and Conditions are met.

Furthermore, all advertisement must be submitted to the Authority no later than Friday, 29th July, 2022, by the close of business.

Download the booking form here.

The booking form contains all the information for successfully placing an advertisement of your organisation in HEA’s State of Higher Education in Zambia 2021 Report.

For more information, contact:

Mr. Birbal Boniface Musoba

Corporate Communications Officer

Higher Education Authority

+260 975 002 649

This article was written by Mr. Birbal Boniface Musoba, Corporate Communications Officer, on 8th July, 2022.

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