Advertise in HEA State of Higher Education in Zambia 2020 Report

The Higher Education Authority (HEA) is extending an invitation to institutions to advertise in the State of Higher Education in Zambia 2020 Report.

Download the booking information here.

The State of Higher Education in Zambia is a report that responds to the need to provide annual reliable statistics and a platform for discussing emerging issues in higher education. It has a target audience of government institutions, Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), policy makers and implementers, NGOs, cooperating partners, private sector and the general public. Further, the estimated readership of the Report is approximately 125,000 people; digital audience included.

For more information, contact:

Advertising contact:

Mr. Birbal Boniface Musoba

+260 975 002 649

+260 211 227 084

Download the booking information here.

HEA publishes the State of Higher Education in Zambia on an annual basis in accordance with the provision of the Higher Education Act No. 4 of 2013, Part II Section 6 (2) (b) (ii).

Download the booking information here.

This article was written by Mr. Birbal Boniface Musoba, Corporate Communications Officer, Higher Education Authority (HEA) on 22nd June, 2021.

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