Representatives of Copperbelt and North-Western Provinces’ HEIs Discuss Draft Statutory Instrument and Regulatory Impact Assessment

Representatives of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) on the Copperbelt and North-Western Provinces of Zambia broke up into groups to discuss in detail the draft Statutory Instrument and Regulatory Impact Assessment.

During a workshop held in Ndola at Levy Mwanawasa Stadium from 15th to 17th March, 2022, the representatives of more than 30 HEIs were divided into three (3) groups in order for them to have detailed discussions of both the draft Statutory Instrument and the Regulatory Impact Assessment.

The Statutory Instrument is intended to operationalise the Higher Education (Amendment) Act, 2021, whilst the Regulatory Impact Assessment analysed the challenges that required to be addressed by the Statutory Instrument and why Government action was needed.

Following their discussion, the groups presented their resolve to the workshop. But having varied resolve, HEA and the various representatives from the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Justice (MoJ) and the Business Regulatory Review Agency (BRRA), excused the participants in order for them to discuss amongst themselves and reach a consensus for the Copperbelt and North-Western Provinces.

The representatives of the HEIs from the Copperbelt and North-Western Provinces reached a consensus as a collective which will be presented to MoJ, the Drafters of the Statutory Instrument, and BRRA, the ones mandated to ensure that the Regulatory Impact Assessment is undertaken pursuant to Section 6 (2) of the Business Regulatory Act No 3 of 2014.

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