Higher Education (General) Regulations, 2024, Changes User Fees for HEIs

The Higher Education (General) Regulations, 2024, that were issued to operationalise the Higher Education (Amendment) Act, 2024, and took effect on 29th August, 2024, have changed the associated fees to the services provided by the Higher Education Authority (HEA).

The change in fees include annual levy per registered student at a public or private Higher Education Institution (HEI), reregistration of a private HEI, and learning programme accreditation and reaccreditation, among other fees.

The change in the fees was due to the fact that, from 2016 until the General Regulations were issued in August 2024, HEA had grappled with the problem of not being able to meet its costs of providing services to HEIs due to low fees. Therefore, due to the low fees, the Authority had been subsidising the provision of services to HEIs. However, subsidising these services was not sustainable and could not continue. Thus, the HEIs are now required to fully pay for the services provided to them by HEA.

The Higher Education (General) Regulations, 2024, have further introduced fees that were not previously charged for services that include annual Institutional audits, affiliations and variation of learning programmes, among other fees.

HEA will be conducting sensitisation on the changes that the Higher Education (General) Regulations, 2024, has brought to the sector, including media appearances and meetings with HEIs and all stakeholders.

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