HEA Conducts Panel Hearings for University Colleges

The Higher Education Authority (HEA) held a panel hearing for Manica University College, during which the institution was given a notice of acceptance to operate as a Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) within the Republic of Zambia.

The registration of Manica University College during the panel hearing held on 15th May, 2024, however, came with the caveat that the newly accepted HEI does not begin operating until it addresses shortfalls that were identified during the panel hearing. The HEI was given 6 months to remedy the shortfalls.

This was the same verdict that was given to LIAS University College which had its panel hearing on 16th May, 2024. LIAS University College, which is seeking to upgrade from a college, Lusaka Institute of Applied Science, was issued with a provisional notice of acceptance to operate as an HEI within the Republic of Zambia. However, the university college was directed not to begin operations until it had addressed the shortfalls that were identified during the panel hearing. The HEI was given 6 months during which to remedy the shortfalls.

A panel hearing is an administrative process to finalise the registration of private HEI. This is specifically for university colleges and technical university colleges in order to afford these specific institutions an opportunity to defend and present their mission, financial standing and viability as a private higher education institution before the Management of the Higher Education Authority.

Therefore, panel hearings allow HEA to appreciate the viability of the proposed higher education institution. These hearings are only applicable to university colleges and technical university colleges.

Therefore, colleges, research institutes and institutes for the specialised training of professionals in a specific field do not undergo panel hearings because of the requirements which are different from those of university colleges and technical university colleges.

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