ANNOUNCEMENT TO ALL HEIs: Payment of 2025 Annual Levy

The Higher Education Authority (HEA) wishes to remind all Higher Education Institution (HEI) to remit the Annual Levy for 2025 as prescribed by the Higher Education Act, 2013.

The notice applies to all public and private HEIs as defined by the Higher Education (Amendment) Act, 2024, and includes colleges, university colleges, universities, technical university colleges, technical universities, Institutes, and institutions for the specialised training of professionals in a specified field.

The Higher Education Act, 2013, Part VII Section 44 states, “a Higher Education Institution shall in each year, not later than the date prescribed by the Minister, pay to the Authority such annual levy as may be prescribed.”

Furthermore, the Higher Education (General) Regulations, 2024, that were issued to operationalise the Higher Education (Amendment) Act, 2024, and took effect on 29th August, 2024, have revised the Annual Levy required by Law to K75.00 and K100.00 each for Zambian and foreign student, respectively, enrolled at each HEI. This Levy is required to be paid by 31st March of each year.

In addition, all HEIs are required to submit a database of their current student records in Excel format to the following email address:


  1. Excel template:
  2. Signed Letter by the Director-General to all HEIs:

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