HEA Director-General Calls Upon Students to Take Keen Interest in the Quality of Education

Higher Education Authority (HEA) Director-General, Professor Kazhila C. Chinsembu, has called upon students to take keen interest in the quality of education that they receive from Higher Education Institutions (HEIs).   

The Director-General made this call when he gave remarks during the opening ceremony of the 6th Southern African Quality Assurance Network (SAQAN) Conference which was held at Livingstone Safari Lodge and Spa, Livingstone.

Professor Chinsembu emphasised the importance of student evaluation of teaching and learning in quality assurance in HEIs.

“We call upon the student movement to join the Higher Education Authority in our efforts to institutionalise the culture of student evaluation of lecturers in our colleges and universities,” Professor Chinsembu said, adding, “Students must take keen interest in the quality of education they receive.”

The Director-General stated the importance of student evaluation because of the lack of professionalism of some academic staff.

“We are distressed by the lack of professionalism of some academic staff who come to lectures and labs unprepared, dressed in tight ripped jeans,” he stated, adding, “We are sick and tired of lecturers that spend less time on preparations because of moonlighting and raising poultry during working hours.”

Professor Chinsembu, however, acknowledged that whilst earning an extra income was desirable, abandoning and neglecting academic duties was anathema to the quest for quality higher education.

Professor Chinsembu further stated that the Authority was concerned about the cut-throat competition among HEI. He observed that the cut-throat competition is dangerous to the healthy collaboration between and among our institutions of higher education.

“In our universities, the fierce quest to increase internally generated funds, the catholic tastes for third stream revenue, the over-enrolment of students into medical, nursing, law and education programs, and the commodification of knowledge, present new but nagging doubts for quality higher education in our sub-region,” he said.

The 6th SAQAN Conference was held from 25th to 27th September, 2024, with the theme of “Strengthening and Harmonising Quality Assurance in the SADC Region and Beyond through Sharing Experiences and Good Practices.”

  • Professor Chinsembu delivering his remarks during the opening of the 6th SAQAN Conference.

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