“Success of Ministry of Education in Your Hands” – Dr. Jobbicks Kalumba

The Permanent Secretary – Technical Services in the Ministry of Education, Dr. Jobbicks Kalumba, has stated that the success of the newly formed Ministry lies in the hands of the heads of departments, statutory bodies and institutions under the Ministry.

Dr. Kalumba said this during the meeting organised by the Ministry for the newly appointed Minister of Education, Honourable Mr. Douglas Munsaka Syakalima, MP., to meet the heads of departments, statutory bodies and institutions that fall under his charge.

The Permanent Secretary – Technical Services emphasised his point through a parable he gave about two boys who wanted to make a fool out of a wise king by employing a Schrödinger-type proposition with a bird in a box. Thus, the wise king was supposed to tell the boys the fate of the bird. However, the wise king told the boys that the fate of the bird was entirely dependent on the boys themselves.

“The implication of this fable is that the success and failure of the Ministry, and by extension the success and failure of the Minister, is in entirely your hands,” Dr. Kalumba stated, adding, “if you want people to salute the Minister and the Ministry for the new dawn that has come, that is in your hands.”

Dr. Kalumba

The meeting, which was held last week at the National Science Centre in Kabulonga, Lusaka, included the departments of University Education, Human Resources and Administration, Standards and Curriculum, Planning and Information, Open and Distance Education, School Health and Nutrition, Financial Management and Accounting, and Internal Audit.

Further, statutory bodies included the Higher Education Authority (HEA), Zambia Qualifications Authority (ZAQA) and Higher Education Loans & Scholarships Board (HELSB), whilst institutions included the hosts, the National Science Centre.

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