Ensuring Quality in Higher Education
Establishing standards in higher education in Zambia are maintained
HEA promotes quality assurance in Higher Education.
An innovative and transformative quality assurance institution.”
An efficient and effective higher education regulatory agency
The Higher Education Authority (HEA) is a statutory body established by the Higher Education Act No. 4 of 2013. The mandate of the Authority is to regulate and monitor standards in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in order to ensure quality services and contribute to the enhancement of human capital and accelerated national development.
Vision: “An innovative and transformative quality assurance institution.”
Mission: "To develop and foster an innovative quality assurance system in higher education institutions for a knowledge-based society. "
Our Core Values
Through its vision the Authority will contribute to creating a knowledge-based society.
To realise this, the Authority will endeavour to promote an innovative and transformative quality assurance environment that fosters higher education.
HEA's functions are exhausted in the Higher Education Act's Part II Section 6, and include
To regulate Higher Education Institutions and coordinate the development of higher education in order to promote quality higher education.
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To recommend policy interventions and remedial measures in the higher education sector to the Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE) in order to provide information to facilitate informed decision making.
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To facilitate collaboration of the Authority with organisations of similar functions in order to enhance capacity and share best practices
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HEA will restructure and transform HEIs and LPs
HEA will restructure and transform higher education institutions and learning programmes to be responsive to the human resource, economic and development needs of the Republic
Private Higher Education Institutions
Public Higher Education Institutions
Learning Programmes accreditated